Concurrency in iOS: serial and concurrent queues in Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) with Swift 3

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[Download the full Objective-C Xcode project from GitHub.]

UPDATE: I’ve updated this article for Swift 4, learned a few new tricks, and taken advantage of the Swift 4 compiler’s “intelligence.” Please check out the new version as it’s more comprehensive and detailed, and my source code has been highlighted and commented to better help you understand the sometimes confusing concept of parallelism. There’s a brand new Xcode companion project, too.

Today, I’m going to start answering some of the concurrency questions I asked you to ponder in yesterday’s post entitled “Concurrency in iOS — Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) with Swift 3.” Specifically, I’m going to write some code in Swift 3 and Objective-C showing you the difference between serial and concurrent queues. But before coding we’ll talk about concurrency in general, the terminology used in discussing concurrency (threads, process, and tasks), the differences between the terms “concurrent” and “parallel,” the differences between serial and concurrent queues, the differences between synchronous and asynchronous methods/functions, and finally we’ll wrap up with some more definitions you need to know about.

Continue reading “Concurrency in iOS: serial and concurrent queues in Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) with Swift 3”

Concurrency in iOS – Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) with Swift 3

[Download the full Swift Xcode project from GitHub.]
[Download the full Objective-C Xcode project from GitHub.]

I use concurrency in most of my iOS apps, generally to keep the user interface responsive. For those of you new to iOS and/or new to computer science, “Concurrency is the notion of multiple things happening at the same time.” (We can discuss the old “What’s the difference between concurrency and parallelism?” question later.) I’m constantly being asked questions about how to implement concurrency in iOS and, most recently, I’ve received many questions about how to implement it in Swift 3. Here’s a video showing this post’s concurrent Swift code running — and notice that a UIProgressView is updating while images are downloading in the background; notice also that I’m continually pressing a button that increments an instance variable during background processing:

(Make sure you stay with me to complete this discussion of iOS concurrency in the next post. I’ll write some code in Swift 3 and Objective-C showing you the difference between serial and concurrent queues. Before coding we’ll talk about concurrency in general, the terminology used in discussing concurrency (threads, process, and tasks), the differences between the terms “concurrent” and “parallel,” the differences between serial and concurrent queues, the differences between synchronous and asynchronous methods/functions, and finally we’ll wrap up with some more definitions you need to know about.)

The questions about implementing GCD in Swift 3 have come from beginners to intermediate- to even advanced-level developers. For years, the most widely used iOS construct for concurrency — “starting tasks asynchronously” — has been Grand Central Dispatch (GCD). Most iOS old-timers like me have gotten used to GCD’s Objective-C language version of the “dispatch_async” function:

Continue reading “Concurrency in iOS – Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) with Swift 3”

Xcode secrets: save time with context-sensitive help and documentation

How many times have you been looking at Swift or Objective-C code in Xcode and can’t remember what a framework method, argument, constant, etc. means? Did you know that help — full documentation — is just a keystroke away? Did you also know that you can add the same type of pop-up, context-sensitive help to your own code? Here’s how. Let’s say you’re looking at the following NSString class method and can’t remember exactly what the call does, what parameters it takes, and what is its return value:

Highlight the method name, parameter, even the enum, and then press the following key combination on your keyboard:

[command] + [control] + [shift] + [?]

      or, using key symbols:

⌘ ⌃ ⇧ ?

Here’s what you’ll see: a context-sensitive help/documentation popup. Note that I added the red lines to highlight content. The red highlighting is not what Xcode provides (click to enlarge):

Figure 1: Xcode framework context sensitive help and documentation.

So you immediately get information about the method, parameter, enum, even constant’s:

  • Declaration (formal language signature);
  • Description (textual explanation of the entity’s purpose);
  • Parameters (a full list of names and definitions);
  • Returns (the value returned by a method/function, if applicable);
  • Availability (what version of iOS that the entity became available in — and sometimes in what version it was deprecated);
  • Declared In (the framework which contains the entity); and,
  • More (generally, the formal definition of the entity with explanations and other links).

Check out what I get if I click on the “More Type Method Reference” link as shown in Figure 1 (click to enlarge):

Continue reading “Xcode secrets: save time with context-sensitive help and documentation”

Using Swift extensions to manage complexity, improve readability, and increase extensibility (UICollectionView, protocols, and delegates)

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Today, I’m going to show you how to leverage the Swift “extension” language feature to manage software complexity, improve code readability, and increase extensibility. We’ll also talk about delegates, data sources, and protocols as they are concepts essential to this tutorial. According to Apple’s “The Swift Programming Language (Swift 3.0.1):”

Continue reading “Using Swift extensions to manage complexity, improve readability, and increase extensibility (UICollectionView, protocols, and delegates)”

Troubleshooting Auto Layout using Xcode’s Debug View Hierarchy

What’s more important when troubleshooting software, 1) what you intended in design or 2) what was materialized by running your code in a production environment? Take Auto Layout for example. Interface Builder may be happy with your constraints, displaying no warnings or errors, but when you run your app, you see problems. I find it much more helpful to see my all my Auto Layout live, while my app is running. I’ve found that using Xcode’s Debug View Hierarchy button is an often over-looked but extremely powerful tool for solving app layout problems, especially when iOS developers have to write app user interfaces that run on differently-sized devices in multiple orientations. The Debug View Hierarchy feature helps you understand how Auto Layout works. You can see all of your app’s:

Continue reading “Troubleshooting Auto Layout using Xcode’s Debug View Hierarchy”

UPDATE: The UICollectionView is much more than a grid or matrix

Get started by [downloading the full Xcode project from GitHub.]

Let’s talk about the UICollectionView, a rich, configurable, and powerful iOS user interface component. I will write code in Swift 3.0 to create a UICollectionView to which I can add, select/highlight, deselect/unhighlight, and remove UICollectionViewCell’s. I’ll show you that I can select, deselect, add, and remove one cell at a time, or multiple cells at a time. And most importantly, I’ll demonstrate the importance of the relationship between a UICollectionView and its data source, and the importance of keeping a UICollectionView and its data source synchronized. You can download my entire Xcode 8.2.1 project. Feel free to reuse my code as long as you follow the terms of the license agreement. Today, we’re going to build a basic but completely functional instance of the UICollectionView in Swift 3.0 as illustrated by the following video:

Continue reading “UPDATE: The UICollectionView is much more than a grid or matrix”

Renaming an Xcode 8 project, the easy way or the advanced way

NOTE: This article was first published on Jan 18, 2017. Since that time, I realized I missed one aspect of the project renaming process. Re-read the article or jump straight to the new content.

Sometimes you need to rename your Xcode projects. Not too long ago, this would’ve been problematic. Apple has built a project renaming feature into Xcode, but it’s not good enough for my needs. I’ll show you how I have to go above and beyond the standard functionality to get what I really want. Let’s walk through a concrete example, renaming an Xcode project we’ve been talking about in the post entitled “The UICollectionView is much more than a grid or matrix”.

Continue reading “Renaming an Xcode 8 project, the easy way or the advanced way”

iOS 101 or … Basic animation, Auto Layout, and view geometry – Part 5

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Today, I’m going answer all the questions I posed in this series of posts entitled “Basic animation, Auto Layout, and view geometry – Part X” (see parts 1, 2, 3, and 4). I’ll help you understand how how I created the following iPhone animation using Swift 3.0 — and/or how to get started with your first iOS app:

Continue reading “iOS 101 or … Basic animation, Auto Layout, and view geometry – Part 5”

Basic animation, Auto Layout, and view geometry – Part 4

[Download the full Xcode project from GitHub.]

Today, I’m going to push you to understand how how I created the following iPhone animation using Swift 3.0:

I’ll give you everything you need to figure out what I did — but I won’t explain it for you. Explanation will come later (in the next post, I tie all posts in this series, 1, 2, 3, and 4 together). I want you to learn about my design and code, not just copy and paste it. There is a method to my seeming madness. Hang in there with me through this series of posts.

After providing you with diagrams, source code, references, definitions, inline commentary, etc., I want you to be able to answer some questions about building iOS animations, even if it requires you to do some research, before I put all the pieces together in the final chapter (post) in this series. Remember that I started this blog with the intention of helping new/aspiring iOS app developers get started in an exciting, creative, and potentially financially rewarding profession. I don’t want to just provide code for you to copy and paste into your own app projects, I want you to become the best of the best iOS designers and developers. So let me:

Continue reading “Basic animation, Auto Layout, and view geometry – Part 4”

Basic animation, Auto Layout, and view geometry – Part 3

[Download the full Xcode project from GitHub.]

In this series of posts, “Basic animation, Auto Layout, and view geometry – Part X,” we’re learning about basic animation in several steps. In the first post on Monday, “Basic animation, Auto Layout, and view geometry – Part 1,” we covered setting up a storyboard scene using Auto Layout. In yesterday’s post, “Basic animation, Auto Layout, and view geometry – Part 2,” we used some basic UIView geometry to play with shapes and sizes and we drew on the iPhone screen. Today, we’ll be writing the code to explore iOS animation capabilities. I started writing code yesterday in Swift 3.0, but will later be providing Objective-C versions. I’ll make all the source code available to y’all on GitHub as we move forward. Tomorrow, we’ll start tying parts 1, 2, and 3 together and explaining all the details.

NOTE: The iOS skill level required herein is “beginner” to “intermediate.” One of the purposes of this blog is to help aspiring new iOS developers get started on the right foot. For all you seasoned (or “advanced”) developers out there, I encourage you to stick with this blog as we’ll be covering very complex iOS scenarios too. Everyone can benefit from these articles, including myself, by getting your feedback.

Let’s start with some iOS “block animation,” the simplest and easiest (yet very powerful) means of animating UIView objects. The UIKit framework provides a clean infrastructure for animations. According to Apple:

Continue reading “Basic animation, Auto Layout, and view geometry – Part 3”